Ronald Reagan - It's Morning in America

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Ronald Reagan
It's Morning in America

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“His policy for the Cold War, Ronald Reagan said, is simple: ‘We win. They lose.’”

Former President Ronald Reagan was also a movie star and a true liberty warrior. Yes, he had a great smile and a warm, friendly voice. He also loved to tell jokes and make people laugh. But don’t be fooled by his charm: Reagan was also one of the toughest presidents America has ever known.
Number of Pages
Reading Age
Reading Age6-12
Grade Level
Grade Level1-7

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Reagan was determined to subdue communism and prevent it from muddying America's greatness. And he did it without firing a single shot. Even at the height of the Cold War, he didn't cave in or give up fundamental American principles

If you want to teach kids about leadership and strength, Reagan's story will do it.

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